The eHealth Centre of Excellence and Ontario Health Digital Excellence have partnered to allow primary care providers (PCPs) to send patient referrals electronically (eReferrals) to Home and Community Care. Home and Community Care services include services such as: nursing care, physiotherapy/occupational therapy, social work, personal care, homemaking, family-managed home care and end of life care.
The primary care provider initiates the eReferral from the Ocean eReferral Network, typically using an integrated electronic medical record. The referral information is received and reviewed by Home and Community Care within the Client Health and Related Information System (CHRIS). Home and Community Care will assess and complete the referral within CHRIS, and the information regarding the resulting referral is then returned to the primary care provider within Ocean.
The eServices eReferral Program is managed by the eHealth Centre of Excellence and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health.
The Ocean eReferral Network is owned and operated by CognisantMD.
This eReferral pathway uses Hubly as an integration broker to facilitate the transfer of referral information from one point of care system to another. Hubly is owned and operated by Think Research.
CHRIS is owned and operated by Ontario Health Digital Excellence.