eHealth Centre of Excellence

eReferral CoP - Session #2 External Recap


The eReferal Community of Practice (CoP) members are committed to sharing the outcomes of these sessions with all external parties.


September 2024 Recap

Published: October 2024

AI scribes image On September 19, 2024, the eReferral Community of Practice CoP came together to collaboratively discuss Change Management and how to most effectively use it to advance the adoption of eReferral across the country. This document outlines the group’s discussions.


What is Change Management?

To set the stage for the discussion, the eReferral CoP members defined Change Management as supporting people through organizational change to ensure successful adoption with minimal disruption. Successful adoption includes sustainment and follow up. 

It’s important to thoroughly understand the clinicians’ needs and what the target population would consider a success before engaging in solution design and adoption activities. Another critical aspect is to enable sponsors and leaders to align on and champion the change. Another key component to Change Management is building in benefits evaluation from the beginning.


Change Management - Anticipated Challenges

The members of the eReferral CoP outlined the 5 most anticipated challenges with expanding eReferral adoption across Canada.   

  1. Clinicians nearing retirement do not want to adopt new technology 

  2. Competing priorities; several projects in the pipeline - eReferral is not necessarily the top priority

  3. Change fatigue

  4. Past experiences – Clinicians’ openness to adopt eReferral may be impacted by a negative experience they had with another digital health tool

  5. All the key players need to be onboard; system interoperability is key


The Output – Creating a Change Management Toolkit

A change management toolkit is a collection of resources, templates, and tools that help organizations plan, implement, and manage change effectively. It typically includes frameworks, communication plans, training materials, stakeholder analysis tools, and methods for monitoring progress.

Collectively, the eReferral CoP members identified the five key themes that need consideration when building a toolkit.

  1. Lean, agile and iterative
  2. How to navigate through difficult scenarios / conversations within various healthcare settings
  3. Translates Change Management theory and frameworks into concrete action plans
  4. Impactful value propositions for various audiences / stakeholders
  5. Engagement ideas / approaches that think outside the box – are adaptable to the real world



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If you are just looking to stay informed on the eReferral CoP meeting topic, an update will be available following each quarterly session.