eHealth Centre of Excellence

Evidence2Practice Ontario Release Notes for TELUS PS Suite Bundle


E2P – Tool Bundle Version 4.1


   General Version


  E2P Toolbar 4.1    Addition of COPD button
  Usage Analytics 2.0

  Updated messaging to include:

  • Corrected the term “expressed consent” to “express consent”
  • The data may be shared with our partners for funding purposes, external evaluators, etc.
  • Shorted the language to make it more concise
  • Removed program-specific language so that language is aligned across tools


  COPD Module or Form  Version


  Management Visit Form       1.0   New tool for ongoing COPD management


  Management Visit Form PSS

  • UI and spelling issues addressed
  • Clarified language in COPD Action Plan
  • Added follow-up in reason for visit dropdown menu
  • Updated messaging for guidance on Step down therapy
  • Tool now captures LLN value for spirometry
  Screening and Diagnosis    1.0   New tool for identifying clinically suspect patients and capturing
  Dyspnea 1.0   New tool for capturing dyspnea score
  Exacerbation 1.0   New tool for recording acute exacerbations
  Exacerbation 1.1   Fixed issue where Finish button was not always visible
  Risk Factors 1.0   New tool for documenting/review risk factors associated with COPD
  Update Diagnosis 1.0   New tool to update spirometry results
  COPD Assessment Tool CAT 1.0   New tool to record CAT score
   COPD Assessment Tool CAT 1.1    Fixed issue with calculating score values of 0

   Patient Care Plan and Resources   

1.1  Addition in COPD resources & COPD Action Plan + Prescription for flare-ups


  Anxiety Disorders and     Depression Module or Form  Version


  Screening  1.1

  When a confirmed diagnosis is added to the screening tool when the tool is   reopened or refreshed the confirmed diagnosis is shown as anxiety.


  Fix: Each diagnosis pulls in the appropriate/selected code to the problem list



  • 370143000: Depression
  • 21897009: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • 25501002: Social anxiety 
  • 371631005: Panic Disorder 
  • 54587008: Phobia


  • 311: Depression
  • 300.02: Generalized Anxiety Disorder 
  • 300.23: Social Phobia 
  • 300.01: Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia
  • 300.20: Phobia Not Otherwise Specified 
  Screening  1.1
  • Checkboxes for suspect conditions are unintentionally deselecting previously checked items.



  • Each checkbox is acting independently of another. Users can insert a date associated with a suspect condition. If a diagnosis is made after a condition is deemed suspect, the form will retain the date and checkbox condition in the suspect column.





  Diabetes Module or Form Version


  Screening & Diagnosis 1.1
  • UI Improvements and spelling errors addressed
  • Fixed issue with graphing of certain lab values
  • Canrisk score is now captured as a custom vital @CANRISK. It is recommended to re-enter the most recent score so that moving forward these values can be viewed and graphed easily.
  • Canrisk score now displays the latest value and date upon form open
  • Added confirmation flag when clearing form values
  • Added confirmation flag when updating visit frequency
  • Addressed issue where diagnosis status checkboxes were not all mutually exclusive
  • Form will now collapse when added to progress notes and chart is refreshed
  Criteria Form 1.1
  • UI Improvements and spelling errors addressed
  • Form will now collapse when added to progress notes and chart is refreshed
   Visit Form PSS 1.1
  • UI Improvements and spelling errors addressed
  • Specific complications monitoring - filter will now display diagnostic tests to find ECG and Stress test results
  • Now includes updated info on OHIP coverage for optometry
  • Fixed issues with displaying pop-up content
  • Fixed issue where smoking status did not pull from risk factors
  • Fixed issue where side effects did not display when pulling in latest values
  • Lab req now includes shortcuts for Quarterly and Annual lab tests
  • Improvements to Generate note functionality - updates to formatting and headers
  • Added Shringrix (shingles) to immunization section
  • Adding or updating diagnosis labels now match code being added

   Patient Care Plan and Resources 

1.1  New DM resources added for:



  Heart Failure Module or Form  Version



  The following changes have been applied:
   ✓  Toolbar indicator colours have been changed to align with PSS
   ✓  The tool has been assessed to meet the requirements of the OHIP's CHF Management Bonus, so clinicians may now submit billing
   ✓  A Heart Failure Patient search has been created to identify of registry of patients with heart failure and is available upon request


  Assessment Module 2.0
  • Icons for hovering over text, pop-up windows, and hyperlinks have been made consistent within the tool
  • Bug: NP-pro BNT result is now being pulled into labs section
  • Removed ECG, Ferritin from labs section
  • Added TSH, CBCs, electrolytes, renal function, urinalysis, glucose, and thyroid functions
  • Respiratory Examination added: L, R, Bilateral with free text, separated mid lung and lung bases, as well as the decreased air entry section
  • LVEF filter has been modified to filter to the echo labs
  Medications Module 2.0
  • The patient’s current medication’s list has been added to this module
  • The list of medication names has been alphabetized (including beta-blockers)
  • The input fields for dosage and frequency have been removed
  • Quadruple therapy class safety statements to consider have been added
  Management Module 2.0
  • Icons for hovering over text, pop-up windows, and hyperlinks have been made consistent within the tool
  • Vaccine clarification for Pneumococcal vaccines will now pull in both Pneumovax and Prevnar

  Patient Care Plan and Resources 

  • Bug: Error message triggered when the patient care plan was opened but nothing was added; Removed error message