Lori Moran
As part of Digital Health Week 2017, the eHealth Centre of Excellence (eCE) blog will feature posts from guests discussing why digital health is important to them. Today’s post is from System Coordinated Access (SCA) Program Manager Lori Moran.
The wait time between seeing your doctor and seeing a specialist can be challenging – patients are often left in the dark about when their appointment will be, which only adds to what is already a stressful situation. That’s why we’re excited to be building an electronic referral (eReferral) system that includes regular communications back to the patient and their care circle. Patients can now receive email notifications on the status of their referral and appointment details, and can confirm appointments online. Shortly patients will be able to do both through an online portal as well as book their own appointments for self-management programs, and look up available resources in the community – complete with wait times.
Digital health is important to me because technologies like our new eReferral system bring the patient into the conversation and provides them with the information they need to feel in control of their own health.
Just this month, the eCE was delighted to receive a Bright Lights award from the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO) in the category of Optimizing Use of Resources!
This award is a credit to the efforts of the SCA program – you can read more about it here!
The SCA program is funded by the Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network (WWLHIN) and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC).
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